In February 2011 we launched a filmed called ‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi‘ together with Timo Arnall. In this film we explored material and contextual qualities of wireless networks in cities. The film came out of our design-research work as a part of the YOUrban project at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. YOUrban investigates the relationships between digital, social and cultural city life, and is connected to our PhD projects.
This project is discussed and contextualised on the YOUrban website, where the process behind it also is documented:
The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life. WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city.
‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’ has been very well received and have been watched by over 1.000.000 online. It has also been taken up by print media, television, radio and the wider web. Images from the film have been included in exhibitions and books, and we have given talks about the film at conferences and institutions worldwide.
‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’ comes out of our previous work with RFID with the Touch-project, and is a central part of our ongoing PhD projects about networked city life.
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